Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

I wanted to thank you both for allowing us to adopt Stoney, Savannah, and Abby. They have been such a blessing to our family. Stoney is such a sweet little man and loves to play and be loved. Savannah has been an added joy to our little basset family. Savannah and Stoney get along so well they are truly meant to be. Of course, I can't leave out Abby and Holly. When they met Stoney, it was love at first sight and they thought he hung the moon and Abby found her new best friend. Holly feels that she is the mother of the group trying to keep all of her kids in line. Then came Savannah. Abby and Holly did not know what to think but after a few sniffs they welcomed their new sister into the family. It has been hard to get all of the babies together but I have a couple of pictures of Savannah and Stoney. Thanks Again The Nolen Family