Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Sullivan Ollie

Bob, Chloe and I want to thank BRAT soooooooo much for giving us our boy, Ollie (Sully) for he is an amazing dog! Bless his heart, who knows what he experienced in his young life! He is slowly recognizing we are not leaving him for good. He is settling in with our routine and is playing more! Chloe even licked him the other day! He is Basset thru and thru and loves to be in the middle of the mix! He is making friends and has a playmate now in Rosie, the English Bulldog down the street who is closer to his age and loves to tumble and run! Our family would not be complete without Chloe (Delilah) and Ollie (Sully) and we have BRAT TO THANK!!!! Bob, Erika, Chloe and Ollie